Antisemitism: "A Fire Out of Control"

The annual Antisemitism Worldwide report, published by Tel Aviv University's Center for the Study of Contemporary European Jewry and Irwin Cotler Institute for Democracy | Human Rights | Justice in cooperation with The Anti-Defamation League, shows a steep increase in the number of antisemitic incidents in Western countries in 2023 compared to the previous year. Incidents were up dramatically from January, but following the October 7th attacks they increased exponentially. READ MORE
Lightning Strikes More than Twice

Professor Colin Price and his team from the Department of Geophysics at TAU’s Porter School of the Environment and Earth Sciences found that lightning storms have been directly hastening the ongoing process of sea ice retreat covering the Arctic Ocean as a result of global warming. Before the warming of the earth, lightning was very rare in the Arctic region. But now, lightning storms have become more common there in the summers, hastening the process of the melting of the ice sheets in a "feedback loop." READ MORE
The Heaviest Black Hole in the Galaxy

TAU researchers were part of an international team that discovered a star which orbits a black hole 33 times heavier than the sun’s mass and lies 1,500 light-years away from Earth. The black hole, discovered using data from the European Gaia spacecraft, is more than three times heavier than the other known black holes in our galaxy. READ MORE
Hot Off the Press: TAU Thrives

Tel Aviv University students and academic officials are thriving, according to the cover story of this month's Jerusalem Report. Despite challenging times, including having more than 6,500 students called for reserve duty, the TAU campus is buzzing with classes, exams, studying, and life despite the difficult conditions since October 7th. READ MORE

"Right, wrong and a moment for clarity: Why universities must adopt a zero-tolerance policy" is a powerful opinon piece by TAU alumnus Gil Mandelzis, the CEO and founder of Capitolis. Writing for Fortune magazine, he addresses the recent protests at Columbia University and other schools. "Terrorizing, intimidating, and calling for antisemitic action toward Jews and the annihilation of Israel is not a view," he writes. "It is not freedom of speech. It is not a demonstration. It is wrong. And it is dangerous." READ MORE
Antisemitism: Why Is It Spreading and How Can We Stop It?

Tuesday, May 21, 2024 9:00 am Eastern time / 6:00 am Pacific time
Professor Uriya Shavit, Head of the Center of Study of Contemporary European Jewry and Irwin Cotler Institute: Democracy | Human Rights | Justice at Tel Aviv University will recap and explain highlights of the 2024 Antisemitism Worldwide report. REGISTER FOR THE WEBINAR