Does Gender Matter?
Gender matters when it comes to COVID-19 antibodies. A new TAU study examined the level of antibodies in over 26,000 blood samples post vaccination and found that levels of COVID-19 antibodies differ according to gender, age and other factors. The study shows that women's antibodies began to rise from the age of 51 and are higher than the levels found in men of similar age. READ MORE
Global Warming
The global climate crisis is on our doorstep and TAU has made it a priority to leverage its expertise to address the matter. This week, the Steinhardt Museum of Natural History launched a new exhibit, "Global Warning: The Climate, The Crisis and Us," that explores the growing dangers of climate change and presents hands-on suggestions for taking action. The exhibit showcases the latest scientific findings and uses interactive approaches to underscore the tangible impact of the crisis on humanity and nature, in Israel and around the world.
Encouraging News in ALS Treatment
An encouraging discovery has shed new light on the elusive workings of ALS, which could lead to further understanding for potential drug development for ALS. TAU researchers have identified a process that may serve as the basis for the development of treatments for the fatal disease. READ MORE
Restoring Touch to Damaged Nerves
First in the world, again! TAU researchers have developed a groundbreaking technology that restores the sense of touch to damaged nerves, holding out hope for people who have experienced amputation or injuries. Using a sensor that does not require electricity, wires, or batteries, it can be implanted anywhere in the body and connected to another nerve that functions properly, restoring tactile sensation to the injured nerve. READ MORE
Congratulations to TAU alum Yoram Tadmor, graduate of the Digital Media Program, who took part in a virtual reality showcase competition at the Cannes Film Festival last week along with other current TAU students. READ MORE
Blavatnik Award Symposium: The Science of Tomorrow
Monday, August 2, 2021, 8:30 a.m.–12:45 p.m. EST
A live stream of the Blavatnik Award for Young Scientists in Israel symposium, featuring Professor Yossi Yovel, Professor Oded Rechavi and Professor Igor Ulitsk. Register for this event
TAU Talks: Forging the Way ... Snowboarding, Windsurfing & A 3D Model for Growth
Thursday, August 12, 2021, 12:00 noon PST
Shai Terem, President & CEO of Markforged, in conversation with Aaron Tartakovsky. Register for this event
AFTAU's Virtual Gala
Thursday, October 7, 2021, 5:00 p.m. PST / 8:00 p.m. EST
Honoring Israeli actress and activist Noa Tishby with the Trailblazer Award, Dr. Anita Friedman with the Visionary Leadership Award, and Maya Kadar Kovalsky and Nadav Kadar with the Changemaker Award. Join our honorees and special celebrity guests for an entertaining night! Purchase tickets
Save the Date
Thursday, August 5, 2021, 12:00 noon EST
TAU alum Ilana Dayan in a personal conversation with Mary Maydan, also a TAU alum. In Hebrew. (Photo: Yossi Zwecker.)