Diagnostics and Treatments
Tel Aviv University has established Israel’s first multidisciplinary center for the study of autoimmune diseases. The new Colton Multidisciplinary Center for Research of Autoimmune Diseases is a groundbreaking institute that will collaborate with Israel’s medical centers and health services, including HMOs and hospitals as well as selected scientists from other academic institutions. The Center's approach will be unique in focusing on big data analytics. READ MORE
Reducing the Risks
A short, simple and safe drug treatment using common medications to prevent anxiety and stress has been shown to reduce the risk of the spread of cancer metastases for colon and rectal cancer patients after surgery. READ MORE
Big Bang Theory
The night skies looked a lot different when the universe was young. An international team of researchers including TAU's Professor Rennan Barkana has found that the earliest galaxies, formed only two hundred million years after the Big Bang, were relatively small and dim, fainter than present-day galaxies, and they processed only 5% or less of their gas into stars. READ MORE
Behind the Scenes in the Middle East
In the latest episode of TAU UNBOUND, TAU's new podcast, Professor Itamar Rabinovich, former TAU President and ambassador to the USA, shares with Ambassador Ido Aharoni Aronoff "behind-the-scenes" anecdotes about his ties with the late Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. WATCH HERE